Friday, May 26, 2017

How to Make a One Page Profile, Ellie Style

Before I outline how to create your own One Page Profile for your child, I wanted to share with you why I think this concept is so important for our children.

About 5 years ago I attended a learning session on how to create a Person Centered Plan and the One Page Profile. Roberta Dunn, the Founder of FACT was leading the session and it was so eye opening for me. Person Centered Planning is a positive, strengths-based approach to mapping out your child’s future. Your child's team comes together to create strategies to help them be their best self, as well as find solutions for support in the areas where they may be struggling. And as Ellie grows, she will be driving this process of determining her future. 

Roberta explained that this method can be used when your child enters a new grade, moves to a new school, if they are transitioning from Early Intervention into the school system, or even going to a new daycare. In any situation where you want your child's team to have a better understanding about your child this would be the time to use it.

It begins with a Vision Statement. The Vision Statement I used in Ellie's One Pager was courtesy of Laura Buckner. Laura was our keynote speaker at a DSDN Rockin' Moms retreat. I remember there wasn't a dry eye in the house, as Laura explained the vision statement she brought to all of her son's IEP meetings. Her son is now an adult who lives a happy and productive life. She is an amazing advocate and mother. She told us to get out our pens and to write it down, this is it in it's entirety:

We envision Ellie living a life of choice.
We envision her having relationships she finds meaningful.
We envision her spending her days at work and other places that she enjoys and finds productive.
We envision her living with people she chooses to live with in places she chooses to live.

A life of choice, this says a lot doesn't it? I really loved the vision statement and tweaked it a little for her One Pager, she's was only 4 when I first made it after all :) But I plan on editing it as she grows, but it will always remain that we envision Ellie living a life of choice.
I also wanted to share the link to the Person Centered Planning information from FACT. It is a wealth of information and I highly suggest reading it. I poured over many One Pagers to create Ellie's, it's so helpful to see what other parent's are doing.

Another tool that inspired me was the video We All Belong which was created by NWDSA and All Born In. I sent this video to Ellie’s teachers, therapists, and the school Principal. It’s very impactful and I believe will help to reiterate your vision for your child.

And now I will walk you through how to create a One Page Profile for your child. To create Ellie's profile I used a graphic design website called Canva. There are many other templates in there if you don't prefer the one I made. I will list below how to take the existing template I created and edit it to your child's needs. Please reach out if you get stuck or have any questions!

Step 1: Canva finally updated their system to allow for "templates" so no more worrying about making a copy first! WHEW! I have provided the template link HERE. I have also included a white version with black type to help reduce ink wastage if you'd rather have a white one! Find it HERE.

Step 2: A new template will open, you can edit this copy as you please. And every time you log in to Canva it'll be there. So each year you can make a copy and create a new profile and only update what has changed!

Step 3: You can rename your template here:

Step 4: Start with your child’s pic, their adorable face will be looking back at you as you write down all of their amazing strengths!

To add a photo into the photo area, click on the left hand side under “uploads”.

Once you click under “uploads” you’ll see a button for “upload your own images”. Click here and add your child’s photo. From here you can drag and drop the photo into place.

Step 5: Background Color. Click on the left hand side under “background” and choose a color or pattern that you like.

Step 6: If you would like to change the font, highlight the text you'd like to change, then the font box will pop up. Here you can edit the font type as well as size.

Step 7: Edit the text. If you want to change up what the template says, click on the text and a text box will appear. Here you can go in and edit as needed:

Step 8: Are you all finished? Now it’s time to save off your masterpiece so you can print it! Go up to the “download” button and save as either a png or jpg. I have printed both options and they are similar in quality!

Step 9: I always end up saving the copy to my desktop so I can find it easily. I have used a printing service (I uploaded the document directly to the printing site) to make color copies, or just printed on our home color copier.

Step 10: Now you are ready to share with your team! And as I mentioned above, in Canva your template is now saved, so next time you log in you can go to File: Make a Copy and edit your One Pager each year as your child grows! It’s fun changing it up and seeing how your child has grown.

A few helpful tips: Don't edit from a phone. A desktop is your best bet. Also, your internet browser can change the font! I prefer to use Google Chrome.

I always end every blog post with a song. There's just something about this one that fills me with all the feels, like you want to raise your hands up and close your eyes, it's one of my all time faves:
The River - Leon Bridges

Ellie's first day of school - age 3!


  1. I am a special education teacher in Ohio. I work with credit deficient seniors who are behind usually due to low attendance or dropping out and returning to high school!!! I am doing this for each one of them!!! I want them to see how amazing they are and believe in themselves!! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!

    1. Leanne, this is a wonderful idea! Please let me know how it goes!

    2. What a wonderful thing to do for your students!

  2. This is amazing! I have not managed to learn to use it yet. The tutorial seems limited.

    1. Please holler at me if you have any questions or need help. The Canva site is pretty easy to use, and I've had a lot of friends make their kiddos a one pager using this post and they've had no problems.

    2. Thank you, I figured it out. I thought it would be great for my students who are transitioning.

    3. Oh great! I'm glad you were able to make it work for you! :)

  3. Great idea! Hope you don't mind if I pinned it.

  4. Love this! Thank you for sharing! I'm a sped teacher and will be using this!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Facilitate ... seniors can do this themselves. Empower them ....

    1. Love the idea of students working on this themselves when they are older! I'm going to remember this as Ellie grows up!! Thank you :)

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  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Hello,
    I can not figure out how to upload a picture. Any tips?

    1. Are you editing from a computer? If you hover over the photo area you can add image there! I’ve had a lot of people try from a phone which is why I mentioned that!

  11. Thank you so much. I hope you don't mind i have shared this on our website for 22q11.2DS . This is great and an upgraade from our usual one page info sheet. Thanks for sharing. No need to re-invent the wheel. we gave tyou credit on our site.

    1. Maria this is really awesome! I’m so glad you guys could use it!!❤️

  12. Looks like Nico's profile is up for the internet to see. . . any chance you can resave again?

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Could you please repost the blank all about me template on Canvas? It appears someone overwrote it and I like the original version much better and would like to use that one. Thanks!

    1. Hello! I apologize as I haven't been near my computer this weekend to be able to do the daily fix to the overridden file! I fixed it again. Let me know if you have any questions. :)

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This is such a helpful post and the one-pager will be a very useful tool for sharing my son's needs and strengths with his school. Thank you so much for making the template available.

  19. Hey there! I wanted to let you know ho much I appreciated this template. I used it for my daughter, Olivia, and her teachers LOVE IT. I've also used it in my classwork (I'm getting my masters in SPED). My professor would like to showcase my daughter's profile during a conference, but I wanted to get your permission before doing so, since it's your design. If you're okay with it, please let me know how you'd like to be credited. Thank you!

    1. Hey there! How awesome! I’m really happy to hear that you have had great feedback and that your professor wants to show the profile in a conference. If you want to just link my blog or mention that other parents can feel free to use the template that would be great. I’d love to hear how it goes!

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Hello! This is such an awesome tool! As everyone wants to share, this kiddo’s parents have given permission, correct? Just checking.

  22. I shared this on my Facebook page two years ago and today, it came up in Memories. Now that I'm more familiar with Canva, I have downloaded your template (thank you for providing it!) and plan on working with my parents to create a student profile wall in my classroom.

    1. A student profile wall sounds awesome!!!! What a great idea!!

  23. Thank you!!! I shared this on my special needs mom page and we used this as one of our monthly meet ups. Thank you!!

  24. I'm not seeing your daughter's info but someone else's template I believe.

  25. Yep. Someone accidentally ruined the template. If I have time, I will try to recreate it in Canva.

    1. I fix it one time a day now, I have updated (again). Thanks and sorry about that.

  26. Pls can you email the template to me?

  27. Thank you so much for sharing this!!

  28. The link says forbidden now! Are you able to email the template?

  29. The template link says forbidden. Could you please fix it? Thank you so much for all that you do!

    1. Hi Nithya,
      I finally had a chance to log in today! I have updated it :)

    2. I am sorry to bother you with this. I tried as soon as I saw your message but it still says "Forbidden (403) Sorry you cannot access this page". Is there a name for your template which I could search for? Or is emailing the template a possibility?

  30. Thank you very much for fixing the template! I was able to create an awesome one pager out of it. Thanks again fr sharing your wonderful work with our community!

    1. Hi again! I'm so happy to hear you were able to get it to work!!! :)

  31. I was led here via a post of your one-pager who is I assume your gorgeous daughter. Would you be ok if I share this post (with the instructions) with the members of our Prader-Willi Syndrome assoc. of Victoria in Australia?
    Thanks Sarah

  32. Looks like someone didn't follow your directions. Template is now for a resume. Any chance you can reload. I have been searching and searching for an editable template and love yours.

    1. Hi Kristin, it's been updated again. Hope you're able to get a profile made before someone overrides the file... argh.

    2. I was able to get a copy made. Thank you so much!!!!

  33. Unfortunately someone didn't follow your directions. Template is now for a resume again. Any chance you can reload? I used your template last year and my son's teachers and therapists loved it.

    1. I actually found my old copy so I'm set but you may want to restore so it is your original template. Have a great day!

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